
Mother of Pearl!

Doesn't seem like anything is going right lately. I am typing this and PRAYING it actually gets posted...you see, my computer BITES. I don't know what is going on but pages, if they load, take about 10 minutes. I am expecting to get a new laptop this weekend (well, new to me, not NEW though). Here's hoping I can actually get back to blogging (and everything else I do on the internet) soon enough...


Anonymous said...

Awwh, that would drive me nuts! Hopefully your new-to-you laptop fixes the problem. If not, it's definitely time to call your ISP and bitch them out!

WheresMyAngels said...

You may just need to reinstall everything on your computor. That is how my husband fixes everything! lol

Nicki said...

how come i can't see your blog posts unless I highlight them? and boy do we need to talk.....