
Things I say more times than I can imagine.

-Sit down and eat.

-Get dressed.

-Go potty.

-I don't care if you don't like (x, y, z), you have to do it.

-Please stop screaming.

-Please give me privacy while I (pee, shower, sleep...).

-Get back in your bed.

-Do your homework.

-Turn off the TV.


-Please leave (him, her, ME) alone!

-Put your (shoes, backpack, dirty laundry) where they belong.


-I'm too tired to deal with this.

-My patience has hit its breaking point.

-I love you.


Anonymous said...

Wow - are you recording what goes on in my house? o.O

Matt DiTrolio said...

Interesting how it asked for my OpenID and just kinda plastered the name "ID" up there.

Crazy Momma said...

Well, I thought it MUST be you...but couldn't imagine why you left that as your name ;)